A West Michigan Health Company
Big Rapids (231) 592-3102
A West Michigan Health Company
Big Rapids (231) 592-3102
A West Michigan
Health Company
Big Rapids (231) 592-1361


According to the American Cancer Society, more than 52,000 people will die as a result of Colorectal Cancer, and the disease is impacting more people 50 and younger. Learn more important statistics from Becker’s Health.

The Gold Standard of Care in Colon Cancer Detection

West Michigan Surgery Center physician, Rashmi Juneja, MD, offers Colonoscopy services to patients at our Big Rapids location. A Colonoscopy is an exam of the colon and rectum using a tiny camera to search for polyps, cancer or other diseases. To learn more about how to prepare for your colonoscopy, CLICK HERE.

West Michigan Surgery Center offers a range of Endoscopy services, including:


Importance of a Colonoscopy Screening

Learn how a Colonoscopy can help prevent you or a loved one from becoming a statistic, from West Michigan Surgery Center’s Rashmi Juneja, MD.