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Colonoscopy Prep Diet

How to Prepare for Your Colonoscopy

Once you turn 45 your Primary Care provider will likely suggest you schedule your first  Colonoscopy screening. The screening, offered at nationally recognized West Michigan Surgery Center, has long been considered the gold standard in colorectal cancer detection. The American Cancer Society changed its guidelines a few years back, lowering the recommended age for getting the test, from 50 to 45, partly in response to the rising rates of colorectal cases among younger individuals. In fact, the American Cancer Society recommends testing take place even earlier for those at high risk of the disease. 

Screening Recommendations for those at Average Risk for Colorectal Cancer:

  • Begin Regular Screening at Age 45
  • People in good health should continue regular screening through the age of 75.
  • People ages 76 through 85 should decide with their health care provider whether to continue to get screened. 

 (ACS  “When Should You Start Getting Screened for Colorectal Cancer?”)

Screening Recommendations for those at Higher Risk of Colorectal Cancer:

  • Those with a strong family history of Colon Cancer
  • A personal history of colorectal cancer or certain types of polyps
  • A personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease)
  • A family history of a hereditary syndrome such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Lynch syndrome 
  • A history of radiation to the abdomen (belly) or pelvis to treat a prior cancer
It’s important to seek the advice of your Michigan Primary Care Partners provider or family physician to determine the best screening schedule for your individual needs. Your provider knows yours and your family history, and is able to make the best assessment for your care.

The Days Leading Up to Your Colonoscopy

Your doctor will send you home with some detailed instructions so you get accurate results the day of your Colonoscopy screening. It’s very important you read through these instructions carefully, and purchase the necessary liquid diet you are  required to take before the test. It’s important to note that different facilities offer different options for cleansing the colon before your procedure, all of which can be purchased at local pharmacies, like West Michigan Pharmacy in Big Rapids, Michigan.

Nutrition Guidelines the day before Your Colonoscopy

People undergoing a Colonoscopy need to be on a clear liquid diet the entire day prior to their procedure. Anything you cannot see through is not allowed. It ensures an accurate reading by Endoscopy specialists, and allows them to detect and remove any abnormalities, like polyps inside the colon.

At West Michigan Surgery Center, we recommend the following diet for our Colonoscopy Patients:

  • Clear Pop, Black Coffee, Tea 
  • Plain Clear Gelatin (not red) 
  • Popsicles
  • Clear Fruit Juices
  • Pulp-free Fruit Juices 
  • Bouillon Soup 
  • Clear Broth 
  • Honey 
  • Clear Hard Candy
  • White Sugar
  • Salt/Pepper

The Following Foods/Drinks are NOT recommended before the procedure:

  • Milk Products
  • Bread
  • Ice Cream
  • Cereal
  • Fruit
  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Chocolate

Dr. Rashmi Juneja, MD, performs Colonoscopies at West Michigan Surgery Center. She explains the importance of following these guidelines, and choosing to get screened.

“The medications and clear liquid diet you’re asked to follow help increase the movement of your bowels. It is the hardest part of the entire process, but essential for us to get a good look at the colon. Colon Cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths. A Colonoscopy is one of the few tests where you can prevent Cancer from happening.”

Rashmi Juneja, MD
Dr.  Juneja explains additional information on what goes into the screening, and why it’s so important. For more details, watch our videos: Preparing for Your Colonoscopy and Colonoscopy Screening

Schedule Your Colonoscopy

We work with the majority of insurance plans and Medicare. Contact our office for details